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Initiative Nominations

Have a colleague who you admire and want to nominate? We have several initiatives to promote women in the field.


#TuesdayTalent is a social media initiative that aims to highlight the multiple talents of women and gender minorities in our field. We want to demonstrate that we are not only talented in medicine and physics. We harbor many skills that deserve featuring, not only to increase representation, but to help build communities for individuals in our field that might share common interests outside of radiation oncology.


What is a talent? A talent is defined as a natural aptitude, an inner quality that emerges effortlessly, a special skill. Talents are often misinterpreted as being limited to athletic, creative, or artistic aptitudes. In SWRO we believe that in addition to that spectra, a talent can also be harbored in being a parent or an advocate for any passion. A talent can be defined by anyone. You can nominate anybody that you believe has a special talent you admire and respect. You can also nominate yourself! 


#DiversityDay is a campaign that has the ultimate goal of promoting diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) by nominating successful women and gender minorities in radiation oncology that come from underrepresented communities. With this initiative, we aim to increase visibility and representation in minority populations to help inspire trainees and medical students, create collaborations and improve recognition.  You can nominate someone who has been an example for their community or a person that has made a difference in improving DEI in radiation oncology. 


#WeWhoCurieWednesday is an initiative that is similar to #ILookLikeAnEngineer and #ILookLikeASurgeon social media campaigns aimed at breaking stereotypes in traditionally male-dominated fields. We highlight the unique and impactful work and varied interests of people within radiation oncology and medical physics who experience gender inequity, both women and gender minorities. The main goal is to help connect radiation oncologists and medical physicists globally and promote the representation of successful members in our field. If you have a colleague that you admire and fits this description, nominate them and we will reach out to them! (Nominations can also be anonymous).

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