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Apply Now

The Society for Women in Radiation Oncology is now accepting applications for the below positions on the Executive Committee!
Interested applicants can apply by emailing a copy of their CV and a personal statement describing which positions they are interested in and why to by 6:00PM EST on March 8th, 2024.  

Interviews for these positions will be conducted in mid March 2024, while position transitions will occur in April 2024. 
Applicants from any PGY year are welcome to apply!

Join Us!




  • Our Vice-Chair is a 2-year position, with the opportunity of becoming SWRO chair in 2nd year of the position.

  • Responsibilities:

    • Scheduling/creating the agenda for monthly executive board meetings and taking meeting minutes​

    • Sending reminder emails to SWRO leadership

    • Aiding in the Magna bi-annual report

    • Assisting with projects where needed

    • Act as treasurer who aids with

      • Account management​

      • Interface with sponsors and donors

      • Tracking costs (website, newsletter, conference call/virtual meeting software, events)

    • Managing grant money (if applicable)


Membership Chair

  • Tracking membership list and maintaining a cross referenced list within the mentorship list

  • Continually updating member contact information

  • Continually assessing membership goals and reasons for joining SWRO

  • Maintaining the SWRO email account

  • Engaging with members and disseminating information to them regarding SWRO events

  • Recruiting for research initiatives when needed


Communications Chair

  • The communications chair will lead the communications subcommittee and run the Twitter/X account as well as coordinate with other subcommittee members for weekly social media initiatives and highlights

  • Responsibilities held by the communications subcommittee include:

    • Promoting and distributing in our social platforms (Twitter/X and Instagram) and website, all content and events aimed at furthering the mission of SWRO​

    • Spearheading the annual We who Curie event alongside the membership and advocacy chairs

    • Working on new entries for the SWRO blog and continuing current blog series

    • Creating all graphic content for SWRO


Events & Outreach Chair

  • Planning social events

  • Planning officially sponsored events at larger meetings and unofficial events (i.e. "happy hours")

  • Organizing virtual events, such as webinars, or virtual get togethers

  • Coordinating with communications and membership to advertise events on the blog, website, Twitter/X, instagram, RO Hub gender equity page

  • Working with other associations/groups in the field (i.e. ACRO, AAWR) to organize joint events and webinars




We look forward to hearing from you all soon!





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